
With so many people working from home, businesses are concerned with keeping their online information private. In a brick-and-mortar location, internet access can be secured on site. But, when employees are spread out using their personal internet access, security drops significantly. With many hackers looking for ways to get access to social security numbers, credit card numbers, or other sensitive…Continue Reading »


Despite the negative predictions and official announcements of Bitcoin’s death, cryptocurrencies continue to lure investors and, arguably, still have much to offer to members of the crypto trading community. In today’s article, we’re going to take a look at four altcoins that haven’t garnered as much public attention as, say, Bitcoin and Ethereum, but still have a huge growth potential.…加速器


It is an art to say a lot with so little! Going minimal in email designs adhere to an approach that has a single focal point. In simpler terms, eliminating clutter in order to enhance certain elements in email design is how you can define a minimalistic email. With more and more emails being opened in mobile phones (it accounts…Continue Reading »


The best thing that has happened in this century with regards to the field of science and computation is data science. Data science has become so important these days that almost every task involves data science. So much automation has been achieved and things have been made easier in the field of computer science. This is only because of data…Continue Reading »


It has already been announced that data science is going to be the hottest career choice in the twenty first century. If you are recognized in your area of specialization, it can end up making you a lot more valuable not only in your current job, but also more marketable when you go out looking for a different job. However,…p站伋理加速器


Effective Supply Chain Risk Management
Successful supply chain risk management can be achieved through constant evaluation measures and emergency planning. This way, you can assure your supply chain's resilience and fortify its defense against cyber attacks. You can safeguard your organization's sales, manage service levels, minimize expenditure during emergencies, speed up recovery after a disruption, and keep your brand perception and market share insulated from…Continue Reading »


Top Seven Career Options for MBA Graduates
We live in a highly competitive world. With numerous students graduating each year, the employment to population ratio is widening. These students step into the corporate world, with their degrees in hand, competing with other students like them for limited spots. Especially during COVID-19, the world unemployment rate is on a steep climb since most businesses are declaring bankruptcy, and…Continue Reading »


According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, 20% of small businesses fail in their first year of business. Well, only 20% of the small businesses make it past ten years, meaning 80% of small businesses end up failing! It has been found that the biggest challenge is competition, and most startups don’t have the grit to survive. Now one of…Continue Reading »


It has become a world of hypocrites where people only say things that are widely accepted. The thing is, it is not difficult for powerful people to control popular opinion. Read also: What is Op-Eds? Today’s marketing is so powerful that it controls the way a person perceives things, and it is not just used to sell stuff. The same…Continue Reading »


How Small Businesses and Manufacturers Can Leverage Facebook Ads
Business owners need to make sure as many people as possible know about their companies. That’s why many rely on Facebook ads to get the word out. With 2.19 billion active monthly users, Facebook makes it easy to reach a large potential audience. It’s important to note that Facebook is a unique social network from a marketing perspective. Some platforms…Continue Reading »
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gh-proxy:基于反向伋理的GitHub文件加速 - 自然博客:2021-6-15 · 国内服务器克隆github文件速度让人汗颜,为了解决这一问题开发者hunshcn基于反向伋理开发了Github文件加速程序。gh-proxy支持github release、archive伍及项目文件的加速,同时支持clone,有Cloudflare Workers无服务器版本伍及Python版本。Development and design blog about design tips, development tutorials, business, commerce, technology, graphic and visual design such as fonts, icons and logo.2006-2023
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